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    【来源:     日期:2020/05/29    浏览量:  】【打印本页】 【关闭

    1. GLABRA2 regulates actin bundling protein VILLIN1 in root hair growth in response to osmotic stress, Plant Physiology, 2020,184(1): 176-193. IF5: 9.115

    2. Arabidopsis MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN18 functions in directional cell growth by destabilizing cortical microtubules. Plant Cell, 2007, 19:877-888. IF5:12.796.

    3. MDP25, A Novel Calcium Regulatory Protein, Mediates Hypocotyl Cell Elongation by Destabilizing Cortical Microtubules in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2011, 23: 4411-4427. IF5:12.796.

    4. Arabidopsis MICROTUBULE DESTABILIZING PROTEIN40 Is Involved in Brassinosteroid Regulation of Hypocotyl Elongation. Plant Cell, 2012, 24: 4012-4025. IF5:12.796.

    5. Soluble expression and characterization of a GFP-fused pea actin isoform (PEAc1). Cell Research, 2004, 15(5): 407-414. IF5:38.109.

    6. Salt tolerance requires cortical microtubule reorganization in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiology, 2007, 48(11): 1534-1547. IF5:5.783.

    7. Arabidopsis ADF1 regulated by MYB73 is involved in response to salt stress via affecting actin filaments organization. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2021, 62(9): 1387-1395. IF5: 5.783.

    8. Arabidopsis PCaP2 plays an important role in chilling tolerance and ABA response by activating CBF- and SnRK2-mediated transcriptional regulatory network, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 3. IF5: 7.255.

    9. Arabidopsis PCaP2 functions as a linker between ABA and SA signals in plant water deficit tolerance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 5. IF5: 7.255.

    10. Sucrose transporter AtSUC9 mediated by low Suc level is involved in Arabidopsis abiotic stress resistance by regulating Suc distribution and ABA accumulation. Plant Cell Physiology, 2015, 8:1574-1587. IF5: 5.783.

    11. Arabidopsis AtSUC2 and AtSUC4, encoding sucrose transporters, are required for abiotic stress tolerance in an ABA-dependent pathway. Physiologia Plantarum, 2014, May online. IF5:5.12.

    12. The microfilament cytoskeleton plays a vital role in salt and osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Biology, 2010, 12(1):70-78. IF5:3.416.

    13. Role of OsHAL3 Protein, a Putative 4’-Phosphopantothenoylcysteine Decarboxylase, in Rice. Biochemistry (MOSCOW), 2009, 74(1): 61-67. IF5: 2.727.

    14. Plant cortical microtubules are potential sensors under abiotic stresses. Biochemistry (MOSCOW), 2011,76(3): 320-326. IF5:2.727.

    15. Prokaryotic expression and characterization of a pea actin isoform (PEAc1) fused by GFP. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(9): 915-920. IF5:1.738.

    16. Cloning and Tissue-Specific Expression of Predicted Pisum sativum Actin Isoform PEAc14-1. Biochemical Genetics, 1-6. IF5:2.077.