Email: zanhuan@163.com
2002.09~2005.06,沈阳农业大学农业昆虫与害虫防治专业, 博士学位
1999.09~2002.06,河北农业大学农业昆虫与害虫防治专业, 硕士学位
1995.09~1999.06,沈阳师范大学生物教育专业, 学士学位
2015.07~至今, 沈阳农业大学蚕学系, 副教授
2017.09~2018.09,Rutgers University,昆虫系, 访问学者
2015.09~2016.07,沈阳工学院,生命工程学院, 化学系教研室主任
2013.09~2015.07,沈阳工学院,生命工程学院, 生物技术教研室主任
2011.03~2012.03,Gyeongsang National University, 博士后
2005.07~2015.06,沈阳农业大学蚕学系, 讲师
Ø 昆虫病理。利用微生物学和昆虫病理学手段,开展昆虫病原线虫及其共生细菌杀虫抑菌理论和应用研究,为有害生物可持续控制提供新资源。
Ø 功能基因解析。利用生物信息学、转录组学、生物化学与分子生物学手段,重点关注模式动物(昆虫和线虫)特异基因的功能,为深入研究遗传进化和相关应用提供理论基础。
Ø 昆虫病原线虫共生菌SY5致死小菜蛾毒素的中肠靶标受体分离与鉴定/ 31301663 / 2014.01~2016.12 / 23万
Ø 昆虫病原线虫共生菌SY5杀虫毒素对小菜蛾的作用机制/ L2012247 / 2013.01~2015.12 / 3万
Ø 松毛虫赤眼蜂种群分化与种下变异研究/ 30871674 / 2009.01~2011.12 / 33万
Ø 柞蚕mtDNA控制区遗传多样性与系统进化 / 30800803 / 2009.01~2011.12 / 20万
在Journal of Invertebrate Pathology、Nematology等peer reviewed杂志上共发表论文51篇,其中SCI论文21篇(第一或通讯作者8篇)。
1. Functional response of Wolbachia-infected and uninfected Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to Asian corn borer , Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 2017, 20: 787-793
2. Desiccation and cold storage of Galleria mellonella cadavers and effects on in vivo production of Steinernema carpocapsae. 2014, Pest Management Science 70: 895-904
3. Laboratory assessment of entomopathogenic nematode symbiotic bacteria to control maize pest, Ostrinia furnacalis, and fungi diseases, Bipolaris maydis and Curvularia lunata. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 2014, 17: 823-827
4. Natural Occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes in Liaoning (northeast China). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 2014, 17: 399-406
5. High Level of Genetic Diversity among Steinernema monticolum in Korea Revealed by Single-Enzyme Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 2013, 113: 146-151
6. Isolation, bioassay and characterization of Xenorhabdus spp. SY5, a highly virulent symbiotic bacteria of entomopathogenic nematode isolated from China. Nematology. 2013, 15: 153-16
7. Antibiotic Activity of Bacterial Isolates Associated with Entomopathogenic nematodes. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2011, 5(28): 5039-3045
8. Molecular cloning, expression pattern and phylogenetic analysis of the will die slowly gene from the Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. Molecular Biology Reports. 2011, 38(6): 3795-3803
9. 昆虫病原线虫共生菌对小麦根腐病菌和小麦赤霉病菌的抑菌活性. 麦类作物学报, 2011, 31(3): 549-553
10. 一种昆虫病原线虫及共生菌对家蚕的安全性试验初报. 蚕业科学, 2010, 36(3): 549-552.