刘博,男,沈阳人,于1999年9月考入沈阳农业大学生物技术专业,先后担任班级团支书、学院宣传部副部长、社会实践部部长及学校自律委员会副主席等职务。现就职于四川大学华西医院生物治疗国家重点实验室,任教授(博士生导师),研究方向为药理学与药物设计。现就职于四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室,任研究员/教授。研究方向为基于自噬靶标的药物发现与作用机理:1)设计针对自噬新靶标识别的工具软件;2)基于自噬新靶标设计发现抗肿瘤、抗帕金森病的候选药物及作用机理;3)发展系统生物学方法识别关联靶标,设计双靶向的抗肿瘤候选药物解决临床治疗问题。迄今,以通讯作者或第一作者在Chemical Science, Autophagy, Medicinal Research Review, Nucleic Acids Res, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等期刊共发表SCI论文超过60篇,影响因子总计超过290,文章它引共计近1900余次。申请中国发明专利7 项,PCT 专利1 项;受邀参加学术会议并作分会报告20余次;参编相关学术专著14本;任国际期刊Frontiers in Pharmacology编委;瑞士癌症联盟基金评议人。曾先后主持国家自然科学基金两项,国家重点研发计划精准医学研究重点专项子课题一项,中医药管理局重点项目子课题一项;获省部级科技进步奖二等奖两项(排名分列第二、第三),及中国医药教育协会科技二等奖一项(排名第二)。还获第九届中国药学会-赛诺菲青年生物药物奖、第十三届全国医药卫生青年科技论坛三等奖、第四届中国SCOPUS寻找青年科学之星入围奖(生命科学领域)、四川省优秀毕业生、四川省百篇优秀博士毕业论文和美国百人会英才奖等。此外,长期从事本科生的创新性科研训练与指导,已培养出多名本科生成功申请到包括剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、华盛顿大学-西雅图分校、密歇根大学-安娜堡分校、宾州州立大学和波士顿大学等国际知名学府在内的博士生全额奖学金。
1.Jian Yang, Jixiang Liu, Liang Ouyang, Yi Chen, Bo Liu*, Haoyang Cai*, CTLPScanner: a web server for chromothripsis-like pattern detection, Nucleic Acids Research. 44 (2016) W252-W258. IF=11.561(*通讯作者).
2.Liang Ouyang, Lan Zhang, Leilei Fu, Bo Liu*, A small-molecule activator induces ULK1-modulating autophagy-associated cell death in triple negative breast cancer, Autophagy. 13 (2017) 777-778. IF=11.1. (*通讯作者).
3.Lan Zhang, Leilei Fu, Shouyue Zhang, Jin Zhang, Yuqian Zhao, Yaxin Zheng, Gu He, Shengyong Yang, Liang Ouyang*, Bo Liu*, Discovery of asmall molecule targeting ULK1-modulated cell death of triple negative breast cancer in vitro and in vivo, Chemical Science. 8 (2017) 2687-2701. IF=9.063 (*通讯作者).
4.Bowen Ke, Mao Tian, Jingjing Li, Bo Liu*, Gu He*, Targeting programmed cell death using small-molecule compounds to improve potential cancer therapy, Medicinal Research Review. 36 (2016) 983-1035. IF=8.29 (*通讯作者).
5.Liang Ouyang, Lan Zhang, Shouyue Zhang, Dahong Yao, Yuqian Zhao, Guan Wang, Leilei Fu, Peng Lei, Bo Liu*, Small-molecule activator of UNC-51-like kinase 1 (ULK1) that induces cytoprotective autophagy for Parkinson's disease treatment, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 61 (2018) 2776-2792. IF=6.253. (*通讯作者).
6.Lan Zhang, Liang Ouyang, Yongzhi Guo, Jin Zhang, Bo Liu*, UNC-51-like kinase 1: From an autophagic initiator to multi-functional drug target, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. (2018) doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01684. IF=6.253. (*通讯作者).
7.Liang Ouyang, Lan Zhang, Jie Liu, Leilei Fu, Dahong Yao, Yuqian Zhao, Shouyue Zhang, Guan Wang, Gu He*, Bo Liu*, Discovery of a small-molecule bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) inhibitor that induces AMP-activated protein kinase-modulated autophagy-associated cell death in breast cancer, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 60 (2017) 9990-10012. IF=6.253. (*通讯作者).
8.Lan Zhang, Jingjing Li, Liang Ouyang, Bo Liu*, Yan Cheng*, Unravelling the roles of Atg4 proteases from autophagy modulation to targeted cancer therapy, Cancer Letters. 373 (2016) 19-26. IF=6.491. (*通讯作者).
9.Jin Zhang, Guan Wang, Yuxin Zhou, Yi Chen*, Liang Ouyang, Bo Liu*, Mechanisms of autophagy and relevant small-molecule compounds for targeted cancer therapy, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 75 (2018) 1803-1826. IF=6.721. (*通讯作者).
10.Xin Wen, Jin-ming Wu, Feng-tian Wang, Bo Liu*, Canhua Huang*, Deconvoluting the role of reactive oxygen species and autophagy in human diseases, Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 65C (2013) 402-410. IF=6.02. (*通讯作者).