1. Fan MX, Zhang CY, Shi L, Liu C, Ma WJ, Chen MM, Liu KC, Cai FC, Wang GH, Wei ZY, Jiang M, Liu ZC, Javeed A, Lin F*. ZmSTK1 and ZmSTK2, encoding receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, are involved in maize pollen development with additive effect. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16: 1402-1414 (IF: 7.443)
2. Guo Q, An YF*, Yun JH, Yang MM, Magocha TA, Zhu JF, Xue YB, Qi YL, Hossain Z, Sun WJ, Qi XH. Enhanced D-tagatose production by spore surface-displayed L-arabinose isomerase from isolated Lactobacillus brevis PC16 and biotransformation. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 247: 940-946 (IF: 5.651)
3. Kong DL, Wang JJ, Yang F, Shao PS. Rhizosheaths stimulate short-term root decomposition in a semiarid grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 640: 1297-1301 (IF: 5.589)
4. Meng XN, Yu Y, Zhao JY, Cui N, Song TF, Yang Y, Fan HY*. The two translationally contrlled tumor protein genes, CsTCTP1 and CsTCTP2, are negative modulators in the Cucumis sativus defense response to Sphaerotheca fuliginea. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 54425 (IF: 4.291)
5. Wang X, Wang Y, Wang L, Liu H, Zhang B, Cao Q, Liu X, Bi S, Lv Y, Wang Q, Zhang S, He M, Tang S, Yao S, Wang C. Arabidopsis PCaP2 functions as a linker between ABA and SA signals in plant water deficit tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 578 (SCI IF: 4.291)
6. Wang X, Wang L, Wang Y, Liu H, Hu D, Zhang N, Zhang S, Cao H, Cao Q, Zhang Z, Tang S, Song D, Wang C. Arabidopsis PCaP2 plays an important role in chilling tolerance and ABA response by activating CBF and SnRK2-mediated transcriptional regulatory network. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 215 (IF: 4.291)
7. Wang XY, Zhang D, Cui N, Yang Yu, Yu GC, Fan HY*. Transcriptome and miRNA analyses of the response to Corynespora cassiicola in cucumber. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 7798 (IF: 4.259)
8. Cui ZH, Xia AA, Zhang A, Luo JH, Yang XH, Zhang LJ, Ruan YY, He Y. Linkage mapping combined with association analysis reveals QTL and candidate genes for three husk traits in maize. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2018, 131(10): 2131-2144 (IF: 3.926)
9. Zhang C, Chen HM*, Bai WQ. Characterization of Momordica charantia L. polysaccharide and its protective effect on pancreatic cells injury in STZ-induced diabetic mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 115: 45-52 (IF: 3.909)
10. Fan MX, Ma WJ, Liu C, Zhang CY, Wu SW, Chen MM, Liu KC, Cai FC, Lin F*. Evolution and expression characteristics of receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinases in Maize, Rice and Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 3680 (IF: 3.687)
11. Liu C, Zhang CY, Fan MX, Ma WJ, Chen MM, Cai FC, Liu KC ,Lin F. GmIDL2a and GmIDL4a, encoding the inflorescence deficient in abscission-like protein, are involved in soybean cell wall degradation during lateral root emergence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 2262 (IF: 3.687)
12. Zhou SY, Guan SX, Duan ZW, Han X, Zhang X, Fan WL, Li HG, Chen LJ, Ma H, Liu HM, Ruan YY*, Lin JW*. Molecular cloning, codon-optimized gene expression, and bioactivity assessment of two novel fungal immunomodulatory proteins from Ganoderma applanatum in Pichia. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 102(13): 5483-5494 (IF: 3.67)
13. Wang HN, Wei SH, Shao MN, Qu B*. First report of a leaf blight caused by Pyricularia pennisetigena on Cenchrus pauciflorus in China. Plant Disease, 2018, 103(2): 370 (IF: 3.583)
14. Gao HR, Qi XH, Hart DJ, Gao S, Wang HL, Xu SM, Zhang YF, Liu X, Liu YF, An YF*. Three novel Escherichia coli vectors for convenient and efficient molecular biological manipulations. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(24): 6123-6131 (IF: 3.154)
15. Du J, Guo HB, Li Q, Forsythe A, Chen XH, Yu XD*. Genetic diversity of Lepista nuda (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in Northeast China as indicated by SRAP and ISSR markers. Plos One, 2018, 13(8): e0202761 (IF: 2.8)
16. Jin YN, Bai LP, Guan SX, Zhong M, Ma H, Wang S*, Guo ZF*. Identification of an ice recrystallisation inhibition gene family in winter-hardy wheat and its evolutionary relationship to other members of the Triticeae. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2018, 204: 400-413 (IF: 2.571)
17. Liu X, Li TP, Darren JH, Gao S, Wang HL, Gao HR, Xu SM, Zhang YF, Liu YF, An YF*. A universal mini-vector and an annealing of PCR products (APP)-based cloning strategy for convenient molecular biological manipulations. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2018, 497(4): 978-982 (IF: 2.472)
18. Bai WQ, Zhang C, Chen HM*. Transcriptomic analysis of Momordica charantia poly saccharide onstreptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Gene, 2018, 675: 208-216 (IF: 2.45)
19. Ma H, Wang A, Zhang MH, Li HG, Du SS, Bai LP, Chen SS*, Zhong M*. Compared the physiological response of two petroleum tolerant-contrasting plants to petroleum stress. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018. 20(10): 1043-1048 (IF: 2.237)
20. Huang M, Zhang YH, Yao S, Ma D, Yu XD, Zhang Q, Lyu SX*. Antioxidant mechanism of glutathione to the mixed culture fermentation system of vitamin C. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2018, 125(5): 1383-1390 (IF: 2.16)
21.Yao S*, Lyu S, An Y*, Lu J, Gjermansen C, Schramm A. Microalgae-bacteria symbiosis in microalgal growth and biofuel production: a review. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2018, 126(2):359-368 (IF: 2.099)
22. Wang N, Wu R, Fu Q, Wang HL, Zhang Z, Ze HJ, Li XT, Lian XL, An YF*. Immobilization of β-glucosidase BglC to decanedioic acid-modified magnetic nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2018, 41(10): 1949-1955 (IF: 2.051)
23.Li H, Sun MH, Qi MF, Xing J, Xu T, Liu HT, Li TL. Alteration of SlYABBY2b gene expression impairs tomato ovary locule number and endogenous gibberellin content. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2018, 19(6): 445-457 (IF: 1.879)
24.Sun Q, Su F, Wang T, Ding Z. The transcriptome properties of reeds under cadmium stress in Liaohe Estuary wetland. South African Journal of Botany, 2018, 116: 200-206. (IF: 1.491)
25.Liu YQ, Chen DB, Liu HH, Hu HL, Bian HX, Zhang RS, Yang RS, Jiang XF, Shi SL. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Longhorn Beetle Dorysthenes paradoxus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prionini) and the implication for the phylogenetic relationships of the cerambycidae species. Journal of Insect Science, 2018, 18(2): 21 (IF: 1.446)
26. Chen QM, Yu Y, Lin CM, Cui N*, Zhao JY, Song TF, Fan HY*. Glucohexaose-induced protein phosphatase 2C regulates cell redox status of cucumber seedling. Journal of Biosciences, 2018, 43(1): 117-126 (IF: 1.422)
27. Liu X, Xu YD, Li Z, Jiang SW, Yao S, Wu R, An YF*. A silica sands-based method for faithful analysis of microbial communities and DNA isolation from a wide range of species. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2018, 48(4): 378-382 (IF: 1.361)
28. Su Y, Yi MM, Sun SK, Irfan M, Zhang L, Chen LJ*. Response to salinity stress and characterization of LiMAPK gene in tiger lily (Lilium lancifoliumThunb.). Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 2018, 32(5):1154-1166 (IF: 1.227)
29. Jiang X, An W, Yang X, Lin J, Ma S, Wang D, Tang S. Asymmetric distribution of CRUMBS polarity complex proteins from compacted 8-cell to blastocyst stage during mouse pre-implantation development. Gene Expression Patterns, 27: 93-98 (IF: 1.154)
30. Zhang A, Cui Z, Li C, Luo J, Guan Y, Liu L, Zhang Z, Zhang L, He Y, Ruan Y*, Yu H*. Identification of maize brace-root quantitative trait loci in a recombinant inbred line population. Euphytica, 2018, 214(9): 168 (IF: 1.527)
31. Jin YN, Zhai ZZ, Wang WJ, Ding XH, Guo ZF*, Bai LP*, Wanf S. Identification of genes from the ICE-CBF-COR pathway under cold stress in Aegilops-Triticum composite group and the evolution analysis with those from Triticeae. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2018(24): 211-229 (IF: 1.151)
32. Zhang YH, Lin JY, Bai L, Huang M, Chen HQ, Yao S, Lyu SX*.Antioxidant capacities of Bacillus endophyticus ST-1 and Ketogulonicigenium vulgare 25B-1 in vitamin C fermentation. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 2018, 32(03): 628-637 (IF: 1.059)
33. Ma S, Hu Y, Shu L, Sun J, Irfan M, Chen LJ*, Zhang L*. Isolation, identification and the biological characterization of Botrytis cinerea (Berk.) Cooke. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2018, 20(5): 1033-1040 (IF: 0.869)
34. Javeed A, Fan MX, Zhang CY, Ma WJ, Chen MM, Liu KC, Cai FC, Hussain K, Lin F*. Isolation and characterization of a pollen-specific gene ZmSTK2-USP from Zea Mays. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018, 161(1): 487-494 (IF: 0.727)