多年来一直从事植物低温耐受基因分离及功能研究工作。搜集整理了多个耐寒性较强的研究材料。已在相关耐寒材料中克隆相关基因20余个,并借助高通量测序、qRT-PCR、亚细胞定位、遗传转化、蛋白质互作、BiFC、CUT & Taq、ChIP-seq等技术方法对所克隆基因进行了系统的功能和机制研究。同时,在应用层面,牵头申请了辽宁省产业技术研究院分支机构林下生物资源开发与利用研究所,聚焦以中草药和山野菜为主的特色林下生物资源,致力于栽培繁育技术创新、生产工艺优化和特色产品开发。
先后主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项、中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项、辽宁省应用基础研究计划项目1项,辽宁省自然科学基金项目1项、辽宁省农业领域青年科技创新人才支持计划1项、辽宁省博士启动基金项目1项、辽宁省高校优秀人才支持计划项目1项、辽宁省“百千万人才工程”人选科技活动资助项目1项、辽宁省教育厅科研计划项目2项、沈阳市科技计划项目1项、沈阳市标准化奖励项目1项、呼伦贝尔市科技计划项目课题2项。在Plant Physiology and Biochemistry、J Agro Crop Sci、Frontiers in Plant Science、Gene、Mol Biol Rep、Biochemistry、Hereditas、《生物工程学报》、《沈阳农业大学学报》等刊物发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI收录17篇,单篇引用次数最高达500余次。辽宁省精品课主讲教师,校级精品课和品牌专业核心主干课负责人,主编学术专著1部,主编和副主编教材各1部,制定辽宁省地方标准1项,参与选育玉米新品种4个。获辽宁省自然科学三等奖1项,辽宁省优秀硕士论文指导教师奖1项,入选辽宁省百千万人才工程千人层次。曾获沈阳农业大学优秀教师,沈阳农业大学优秀研究生导师,天柱山英才等荣誉称号。
11.主持沈阳市地方标准奖励项目(Z20220235) “北方粳稻抗低温栽培技术规程”,经费:5万元,起止年月:2022.10-2024.10
17.主持呼伦贝尔市科技计划项目 “高寒地区早熟青贮玉米新品种的选育及推广”(课题),经费:6万元。起止时间:2022.10-2024.12
1.Cheng YS, Sun YD, Xing JY, Zhan L, Li XJ, Huang J, Zhao MH,Guo ZF*.Transcriptomic and functional analyzes reveal that the brassinosteroid insensitive 1 receptor (OsBRI1) regulates cold tolerance in rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2024, 208,108472.2.Guo ZF, Yao JL, Cheng YS, Zhang WZ, Xu ZJ, Li MM, Huang J, Ma DR, Zhao MH.
Identification of QTL under Brassinosteroid-Combined Cold Treatment at Seedling Stage in Rice Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS). Plants (Basel). 2022,11(17):2324.
3.Guo ZF, Wang HT, Yao JL, Cheng YS, Zhang WZ, Xu ZJ, Li MM, Huang J, Zhao MH. QTL
Mapping Analysis for Cold Tolerance under Cold Stress and Brassinosteroids combined Cold Treatment at Germination and Bud Burst Stages in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13:938339
4. Jin YN, Ding XH, Li JB,Guo ZF*. Isolation and characterization of wheat ice recrystallisation inhibition gene promoter involved in low temperature and methyl jasmonate responses. Physiol Mol Biol Plants. 2022, 11-12:1969-1979
5.Cheng YS, Bai LP, Zhang L, Chen G, Fan JG, Xu S,Guo ZF*.Identification and characterization of AnICE1 and AnCBFs involved in cold tolerance fromAmmopiptanthus nanus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2021, 168:70-82
6.Jin YN, Cui ZH, Ma K, Yao JL, Ruan YY,Guo ZF*. Characterization of ZmCOLD1, novel
GPCR-Type G Protein genes involved in cold stress fromZea maysL. and the evolution analysis with those from other species. Physiol Mol Biol Plants. 2021,27(3):619-632
7.Guan SX, Xu Q, Ma DR, Zhang WZ, Xu ZJ, Zhao MH,Guo ZF*. Transcriptomics profiling in
response to cold stress in cultivated rice and weedy rice, Gene, 2019, 685:96-105.
8. Guo ZF,Zhan L, Zhang Y, Li JJ, Zhao MH, Xu ZJ, Li MM. A Review: Molecular Regulation
of Stomatal Development Related to Environmental Factors and Hormones in Plants. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 2019, 17(5):12091-12109
9. Jin YN, Bai LP, Guan SX, Zhong M, Ma H, Wang S,Guo ZF*. Identification of an ice recrystallisation inhibition gene family in winter-hardy wheat and its evolutionary relationship to other members of the Triticeae. J Agro. Crop Sci. 2018;204:400–413
10. Wang DZ, Jin YN, Ding XH, Wang WJ, Zhai SS, Bai LP,Guo ZF*. 2017. Gene Regulation
and Signal Transduction in the ICE–CBF–COR Signaling Pathway during Cold Stress in Plants. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2017,82(10): 1103-1117
11. Jin YN, Zhai SS, Wang WJ, Ding XH, Guan LL,Guo ZF *, Bai LP, Wang S.Identification of
genes from the ICE-CBF-COR pathway under cold stress in Aegilops-Triticum composite group and the evolution analysis with those from Triticeae. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2018,24(2):211–229.
12. Jiang Y, Peng D, Bai LP, Ma H, Chen LJ, Zhao MH, Xu ZJ,Guo ZF*.Molecular Switch for
Cold Acclimation - Anatomy of the Cold-inducible Promoter in Plant. Biochemistry (Moscow),2013,78,(4):342-354.
13 Huang GT, Ma SL, Bai LP, Zhang L, Ma H, Jia P, Liu J, Zhong M,Guo ZF*. Signal transduction during cold, salt and drought stresses in plants. Molecular Biology Reports, 2012,39(2): 969-987.单篇引用超500次.
14. Guo ZF, Li FZ, Ma XG, Lin F, Ma H, Chen LJ, Zhong M, Bai LP, Yi Y. Molecular cloning of
two novel stearoyl-acyl desaturase genes from winterness wheat. Genes & Genomics, 2011,33: 583-589
15. Guo ZF, Long XY, Dong P, Wei YM, Bai LP, Dang XX, Wan HL, Zhang LJ, Zheng YL.
Molecular cloning of novel α-gliadin genes from Crithopsis delileana and the evolution analysis with those from Triticeae. Genes & Genomics, 2011, 33:155-161
16. Chen G, Xing ZK, WL, Bai LP, Ye JF, Ma DJ, Wei ZP,Fan JG,Guo ZF*. Cloning of a
Novel Stearoyl-acyl Desaturase Gene from white ash(Fraxinus Americana)and Evolution Analysis with Those from Other Plant. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(79):18185-18193.
17. Guo ZF,Ming Zhong M, Wei YM, Zhang L, Ma H, Li HG, Chen LJ, Lin JW, Zhang LJ,
Zheng YL. Characterization of two Novel γ-gliadin Genes Encoded by K Genome of Crithopsis delileana and Evolution Analysis with Those from Triticeae. Genes & Genomics. 2010,32:259-265
18. Guo ZF, Dong P, Long XY, Wei YM, Zhang LJ and Zheng YL. Molecular characterization of
LMW prolamines from Crithopsis delileana and the comparative analysis with those from Triticeae. Hereditas, 2008, 145:204-211
19. Guo ZF, Yan ZH, Wang JR, Wei YM, Zheng YL. Characterization of HMW prolamines and
their coding sequences from Crithopsis delileana. Hereditas, 2005, 142: 56-64