地址: 沈阳市沈河区东陵路120号,110866
电话: 024-88490089
E-mail: fyl@syau.edu.cn; yl_feng@tom.com
● 研究兴趣
● 学习和工作经历
1981.09 – 1985.07 哈尔滨师范大学生物系,本科生
1985.09 – 1988.07 中国农业大学生物学院,硕士研究生
1988.07 – 1997.05 东北林业大学林学院,助教、讲师
1993.09 – 1996.04 东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室,博士
1997.06 – 2001.12 河北大学生命科学学院,副教授、教授
2000.08 – 2011.05 中科院西双版纳热带植物园,高级访问学者、研究员
2004.10 – 2004.12 美国The University of Montana, 合作研究
2005.03 – 2006.02 德国Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ,高访
2011.06 – 沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院,院长、教授
● 部分奖励与荣誉
● 主要学术任职
19.《Ecological Processes》编委(2010-2018)
● 主持的主要科研项目
1.丛枝菌根真菌在入侵苍耳和共生本地苍耳氮形态偏好中的作用,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31971557),58万,2020,1 – 2023,12
2.脆弱生境中外来植物入侵性表达和成灾机制,国家重点研发计划项目课题(2017YFC1200101),经费300万,2017,7 – 2020,6
3.外来入侵植物和共生本地植物对无机氮形态的偏好及机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31670545),经费62万,2017,1 – 2020,12
4.入侵种的资源掠夺和化感毒性,国家重点研发计划项目专题(2016YFC1200601),35万,2016,9 – 2019,8
5.辽宁省四种主要外来入侵植物生物防治研究与示范,辽宁省攻关项目(2014214004),经费30万,2014,1 – 2014,12
6.大气CO2浓度倍增时植物与土壤生物互作及其对瘤突苍耳入侵的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31470575),经费88万,2015,1 – 2018,12
7.适应性的表型可塑性对外来植物入侵性的影响及其机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31270582),经费84万,2013,1 – 2016,12
8.辽宁省高等学校攀登学者支持计划项目,经费150万,2012,1 – 2014,12
9.中国西南外来植物和本地重要植物类群对气候变化的响应,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KSCX2-YW-Z-1019),经费200万,2010,1 – 2011,12
10.有害入侵植物飞机草的进化,国家自然科学基金重点项目(30830027),经费170万,2009,1 – 2012,12
11.紫茎泽兰和同属本地种资源捕获能力和利用效率的比较研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(30670394),经费29万,2007,1 – 2009,12
12.紫茎泽兰原产地种群、入侵种群和本地种叶氮分配特性的比较研究(2007C107M),云南省应用基础研究计划项目,经费5万,2007,12 – 2010,12
13.紫茎泽兰对生境的侵入性及侵入土地的恢复利用研究,中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目专题(KSCX2-SW-13-0X-0X),经费80万,2002,7 – 2007,7
14.小桐子丰产栽培、发展模式及生理生态评价,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目课题(KSCX2-YW-G-027),经费50万,2006,11 – 2009,11
15.砂仁叶片衰老及其栽培模式生理生态学研究,中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目,经费16.00万,2002,7 – 2005, 7
● 部分学术论文(*通讯作者)
1.Huang K, Kong D-L, Lu X-R, Feng W-W, Liu M-C*, Feng Y-L*. 2020. Lesser leaf herbivore damage and structural defenses and greater nutrient concentrations for invasive alien plants: evidence from 47 pairs of invasive and non-invasive plants. Science of the Total Environment, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137829.
2.Zhao Y-Z, Liu M-C, Feng Y-L*, Wang D, Feng W-W, Clay K, Durden LA, Lu X-R, Wang S, Wei X-L, Kong D-L*. 2020. Release from below- and aboveground natural enemies contributes to invasion success of a temperate invader. Plant and Soil, 10.1007/s11104-020-04520-5
3.Liu C, Tian JL, An T, Lyu, FN, Jia PF, Zhou MJ, Liu ZX*, Feng YL*. 2020. Secondary metabolites from Solanum rostratum and their antifeedant defense mechanism against Helicoverpa armigera. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68: 88-96.
4.Liao Z-Y, Scheepens JF, Li Q-M, Wang W-B, Feng Y-L*, Zheng Y-L*. 2020. Founder effects, post-introduction evolution and phenotypic plasticity contribute to invasion success of a genetically impoverished invader. Oecologia. 192: 105-118.
5.Li WT, Zheng YL*, Zhang LK, Lei YB, Li YP, Liao ZY, Li ZP, Feng YL*. 2020. Post-introduction evolution contributes to the successful invasion of Chromolaena odorata. Evolution and Ecology, 10: 1252-1263.
6.Zheng YL*, Liao ZY, Li WT, Wang RF, Li L, Yang AD, Zheng YG, Feng YL*. 2020. The effect of resource pulses on the competitiveness of a tropical invader depends on identity of resident species and resource type. Acta Oecologica, 102: 103507.
7.Iqbal MF, Feng W-W, Guan M, Xiang L-Z, Feng YL*. 2020. Biological control of natural herbivores on Ambrosia species at Liaoning Province in Northeast China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 18(1): 1419-1436.
8.Iqbal MF, Shad GM, Feng YL*, Liu MC, Wang S, Lu, XR, IqbaL Z, Tariq M. 2019. Efficacy of postemergence herbicides for controlling curled dock (Rumex crispus L.) in wheat crops. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(6): 12753-12767.
9.Iqbal MF, Feng YL*, Liu MC, Lu XR, Nasir M, Sikandar A. 2019. Parasitic activity of powdery mildew (pathogen strain HMLAC226) on prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare L.) at various locations of Shenyang, northeast China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(6): 13383-13394.
10.Liao Z-Y, Scheepens JF, Li W-T, Wang R-F, Zheng Y-L*, Feng Y-L*. 2019. Biomass reallocation and increased plasticity might contribute to successful invasion of Chromolaena odorata. Flora, 256: 79-84.
11.Kong DL*, Wang JJ*, Wu HF, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Wang RL, Zeng H, Kardol P, Zhang HY, Feng YL*. 2019. Nonlinearity of root trait relationships and the root economics spectrum. Nature Communications, 10, 2203.
12.Wang W-B, An M-N, Feng Y-L*, Qu B. 2019. First Report of Dodder (Cuscuta australis) on the Invasive Weed Xanthium strumarium L. var. canadense in China. Plant Disease, 103(3): 591.
13.Li Y-P, Feng Y-L*, Kang Z-L, Zheng Y-L, Zhang J-L, Chen Y-J. 2017. Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(5): 1281-1290.
14.Liu M-C, Kong D-L, Lu X-R, Huang K, Wang S, Wang W-B, Qu B, Feng Y-L*. 2017. Higher photosynthesis, nutrient- and energy-use efficiencies contribute to invasiveness of exotic plants in a nutrient poor habitat in northeast China. Physiologia Plantarum, 160(4): 373-382.
15.Zhu Z-X, Li Y-P, Feng Y-L, Ma K-P. 2017. Response of soil bacterial communities to secondary compounds released from Eupatorium adenophorum. Biological Invasions, 19(5): 1471–1481.
16.Wang R-F, Feng Y-L. 2016. Tolerance and resistance of invasive and native Eupatorium species to generalist herbivore insects. Acta Oecologica, 77:59-66.
17.Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L*, Zhang L-K, Callaway RM, Valiente-Banuet A, Luo D-Q, Liao Z-Y, Lei Y-B, Barclay GF, Silva-Pereyra C. 2015. Integrating novel chemical weapons and evolutionarily increased competitive ability in success of a tropical invader. New Phytologist, 205(3): 1350-1359.
18.Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L*, Valiente-Banuet A, Li Y-P, Liao Z-R, Zhang J-L, Chen Y-J. 2015. Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors. Scientific Reports, 5:15622.
19.Zhao Y-Z, Feng Y-L, Wang D, and Qu B. 2015. First report of dodder (Cuscuta australis) parasitizing the invasive weed Ambrosia artemisiifolia in China. Plant Disease, 99(9): 1285-1286.
20.Li Y-P, Feng Y-L*, Chen Y-J, Tian Y-H. 2015. Soil microbes alleviate allelopathy of invasive plants. Science Bulletin, 60(12):1083-1091.
21.Zhao Y-Z, Feng Y-L, Liu M-C, Liu Z-H. 2014. First report of rust caused by Puccinia xanthii on Xanthium orientale subsp. italicum in China. Plant Disease, 98(11): 1582.
22.Liao Z-Y, Zheng Y-L, Lei Y-B, Feng Y-L*. 2014. Evolutionary increases in defense during a biological invasion. Oecologia, 174(4): 1205-1212.
23.Xiao H-F, Feng Y-L, Schaefer DA, Yang X-D. 2014. Soil fungi rather than bacteria were modified by invasive plants, and that benefited invasive plant growth. Plant and Soil, 378(1-2): 253–264.
24.Qin R-M, Zheng Y-L, Valiente-Banuet A, Callaway RM, Barclay GF, Pereyra CS, Feng Y-L*. 2013. The evolution of increased competitive ability, innate competitive advantages, and novel biochemical weapons act in concert for a tropical invader. New Phytologist, 197(3): 979-988.
25.Liao Z-Y, Zhang R, Barclay GF, Feng Y-L*. 2013. Differences in competitive ability between plants from nonnative and native populations of a tropical invader relates to adaptive responses in abiotic and biotic environments. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e71767.
26.Wang W-B, Wang R-F, Lei Y-B, Liu C, Han L-H, Shi X-D, Feng Y-L*. 2013. High resource capture and use efficiency and prolonged growth season contribute to invasiveness of Eupatorium adenophorum. Plant Ecology, 214(6): 857-868.
27.Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L*, Liao Z-Y, Li W-T, Xiao H-F, Sui H-Z. 2013. Invasive Chromolaena odorata has similar size but higher phenolic concentration than native conspecifics. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 15(7): 769-781.
28.Xiao H-F, Schaefer DA, Lei Y-B, Zheng Y-L, Li Y-P, Yang X-D, Feng Y-L. 2013. Influence of invasive plants on nematode communities under simulated CO2 enrichment. European Journal of Soil Biology, 58: 91-97.
29.Feng Y-L*, Lei Y-B, Li Z. 2012. Micronutrient defciencies accelerate leaf senescence in Amomum villosum. Botanical Studies, 53(3): 345-352.
30.Lei Y-B, Wang W-B, Feng Y-L*, Zheng Y-L, Gong H-D. 2012. Synergistic interactions of CO2 enrichment and nitrogen deposition promote growth and ecophysiological advantages of invading Eupatorium adenophorum in Southwest China. Planta, 236(4): 1205-1213.
31.Li Y-P, Feng Y-L*, Barclay G. 2012. No evidence for evolutionarily decreased tolerance and increased fitness in invasive Chromolaena odorata: implications for invasiveness and biological control. Plant Ecology, 213(7):1157–1166.
32.Zheng Y-L*, Feng Y-L*, Wang R-F, Shi X-D, Lei Y-B, Han L-H. 2012. Invasive Eupatorium adenophorum suffers lower enemy impact on carbon assimilation than native congeners. Ecological Research, 27(9): 867-872.
33.Zheng Y-L*, Feng Y-L*, Lei Y-B, Liao Z-Y. 2012. Comparisons of plastic responses to irradiance and physiological traits by invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and its native congeners. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169(9): 884- 891.
34.Feng Y-L*, Li Y-P, Wang R-F, Callaway RM, Valiente-Banuet A, Inderjit. 2011. A quicker return energy-use strategy by populations of a subtropical invader in the non-native range: a potential mechanism for the evolution of increased competitive ability. Journal of Ecology, 99(5): 1116-1123.
35.Lei Y-B, Feng Y-L*, Zheng Y-L, Wang R-F, Gong H-D, Zhang Y-P. 2011. Innate and evolutionary advantages of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum over native E. japonicum under ambient and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Biological Invasions, 13(12): 2703-2714.
36.Inderjit*, Evans H, Crocoll C, Bajpai D, Kaur R, Feng Y-L, Silva C, Carreon J, Valiente-Banuet A, Gershenzon J, Callaway RM. 2011. Volatile chemicals from leaf litter are associated with invasiveness of a neotropical weed in Asia. Ecology, 92(2): 316 - 324.
37.Li Z, Lei Y-B, Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L*. 2011. Involvement of oxidative stress and autointoxication in leaf senescence of Amomum villosum. Plant Biosystems, 145(4): 762-769.
38.Niu Y-F, Feng Y-L*, Xie J-L, Luo F-C. 2010. Noxious invasive Eupatorium adenophorum may be a moving target: implications of the finding of a native natural enemy, Dorylus orientalis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(33):3743-3745.
39.Feng Y-L*, Lei Y-B, Wang R-F, Callaway RM, Valiente-Banuet A, Inderjit, Li Y-P, Zheng Y-L. 2009. Evolutionary tradeoffs for nitrogen allocation to photosynthesis versus cell walls in an invasive plant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(6): 1853-1856.
40.Li Y-P, Feng Y-L*. 2009. Differences in seed morphometric and germination traits of crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum) from different elevations. Weed Science, 57(1): 26-30.
41.He W-M, Feng Y-L, Ridenour WM, Thelen GC, Pollock J, Diaconu A, Callaway RM*. 2009. Novel weapons and invasion: Centaurea Maculosa and (±)-catechin inhibit North Americans more than Europeans. Oecologia, 159(4): 803-815.
42.Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L*, Liu W-X, Liao Z-Y. 2009. Growth, biomass allocation, morphology and photosynthesis of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and its native congeners grown at four irradiances. Plant Ecology, 203(2):263-271.
43.Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L*, Lei Y-B, Yang C-Y. 2009. Different photosynthetic responses to night chilling among twelve populations of Jatropha curcas., 47(4): 559-566.
44.Feng Y-L*, Fu G-L, Zheng Y-L. 2008. Specific leaf area relates to the differences in leaf construction cost, photosynthesis, nitrogen allocation and use efficiencies between invasive and noninvasive alien congeners. Planta, 228(3): 383-390.
45.Feng Y-L*, Fu G-L. 2008. Nitrogen allocation, partitioning and use efficiency in three invasive plant species in comparison to their native congeners. Biological Invasions, 10(6): 891-902.
46.Feng Y-L*. 2008. Nitrogen allocation and partitioning in invasive and native Eupatorium species. Physiologia Plantarum, 132(3): 350–358.
47.Feng Y-L*. 2008. Photosynthesis, nitrogen allocation and specific leaf area in invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and native Eupatorium japonicum grown at different irradiances. Physiologia Plantarum, 133(2): 318-326.
48.Ridenour WM*, Vivanco JM, Feng Y-L, Horiuchi J, Callaway RM. 2008. No evidence for trade-offs: Centaurea plants from America are better competitors and defenders. Ecological Monographs, 78(3):369-386.
49.Feng Y-L*, Auge H, Ebeling SK. 2007. Invasive Buddleja davidii allocates more nitrogen to its photosynthetic machinery than five native woody species. Oecologia, 153(3): 501-510.
50.Feng Y-L*, Wang J-F, Sang W-G. 2007. Biomass allocation, morphology and photosynthesis of invasive and noninvasive exotic species grown at four irradiance levels. Acta Oecologica, 31(1): 40-47.
51.Feng Y-L*, Wang J-F, Sang W-G. 2007. Irradiance acclimation, capture ability and efficiency in invasive and noninvasive alien plant species. Photosynthetica, 45(2): 245-253.
52.Tian Y-H, Feng Y-L*, Liu C. 2007. Addition of activated charcoal to soil after clearing Ageratina adenophora stimulates growth of forbs and grasses in China. Tropical Grasslands, 41(4): 285-291.
53.Feng Y-L*, Li X. 2007. The combined effects of soil moisture and irradiance on growth, biomass allocation, morphology and photosynthesis in Amomum villosum. Agroforestry Systems, 71(2):89-98.
54.Feng Y-L*, Cao K-F. 2005. Photosynthesis and photoinhibition after night chilling in seedlings of two tropical tree species grown under three irradiances. Photosynthetica, 43(4): 567-574.
55.Feng Y-L, Cao K-F*, Feng Z-L. 2004. Photosynthetic characteristics, dark respiration and specific leaf weight in seedlings of four tropical tree species under three different light regimes. Photosynthetica, 42(3): 431- 437.
56.Feng Y-L, Cao K-F*, Feng Z-L. 2002. Thermal dissipation, leaf rolling and inactivation of PSII reaction centers in Amomum villosum in diurnal course. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 18(6): 865 - 876.