地址: 沈阳市沈河区东陵路120号,110866
电话: 024-88487163
Ⅰ 研究方向
Ⅱ 学习和工作经历
1985.09 – 1989.07 厦门大学生物系,本科生
1996.09 – 1999.07 沈阳农业大学农学院,硕士研究生
2004.09 – 2007.07 沈阳农业大学农学院,博士研究生
1989.07 – 1990.09 辽宁省国际经济技术合作公司营口分公司,翻译
1990.10 – 1993.09 辽宁省农业科学院外事处,助理研究员
1993.10 – 2001.08 辽宁省农业科学院育种所,副研究员
2001.09 –至今 沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院,教授
1996.03 – 1996.09 美国TEXAS A&M大学,访问学者
2004.02 – 2007.03 美国华盛顿州立大学,访问学者
2012.06 – 2012.09 美国Rutgers大学,高级访问学者
Ⅲ 科研奖励和荣誉
Ⅳ 学术兼职
Ⅴ 科研项目(近10年主持)
3.Ds转座子介导的玉米插入突变体库及相关功能基因组研究技术引进与利用,农业部项目,2014.1 – 2014. 12,经费80万,2课题主持人
4.主要农作物生物育种技术研究,辽宁省科技攻关项目,2013.1 – 2016.12,经费40万,课题主持人
5.辽宁省教育厅优秀人才支持计划,2012.1 – 2014.12,经费10万,课题主持人
6.美国西北部小麦品种(系)中优异条锈病抗性新基因的发掘、鉴定与有效利用研究,沈阳市科技局项目,2012. 1 – 2014. 12,经费40万,课题主持人。
7.转基因玉米环境安全性评价及检测技术体系的建立,沈阳市科技局项目,2010.1 – 2012.12,经费10万,课题主持人。
8.美国春小麦品种PI 620631对条锈菌成株抗性基因解析及分子标记定位,植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室项目,2010.1 – 2010.12,经费3万,课题主持人
Ⅵ 2010年以来发表的学术论文(*通讯作者)
1. Javeed A, Wu S, Huang S, Ahmed M, Sikandar A, Iqbal M. F, Zhang C, Chen M, Liu C, Hussain K, Feng L. 2019. Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation of pollen specific gene STK1 in maize (Zae Mays). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research X(y): pp-pp.
2. Wang Q, Lin F, Wei SH, Meng XX, Yin ZG, Guo YF, Yang GD. 2019. Effects of drought stress on endogenous hormones and osmotic regulatory substances of common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) at seedling stage. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research X(y): pp-pp.
3. Liu K, Liu C, Fan MX, Zhang CY, Cai FC, Li QY, Chen MM, Jiang Y, Hu WB, Lin F. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis of enolase gene family in different species. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research X(y): pp-pp.
4. Mingxia Fan, Lei Shi, Chunyu Zhang, Chen Liu, Wenjuan Ma, Meiming Chen, Guohong Wang, Zhengyi Wei, Min Jiang, Zaochang Liu, Ansar Javeed and Feng Lin. 2018. ZmSTK1 and ZmSTK2, encoding receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, are involved in maize pollen development with additive effect. Plant Biotechnology Journal.16:1402-1414
5. Mingxia Fan, Wenjuan Ma,Chen Liu, Chunyu Zhang, Suwen Wu, Meiming Chen, Kuichen Liu, Fengchun Cai, Feng Lin. Evolution and expression characteristics of receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinases in Maize, Rice and Arabidopsis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19: 3680-3690
6. Chen Liu, Chunyu Zhang, Mingxia Fan, ,Wenjuan Ma. ,Meiming Chen, Fengchun Cai, Kuichen Liu, Feng Lin. GmIDL2a and GmIDL4a, encoding the inflorescence deficient in abscission-like protein, are involved in soybean cell wall degradation during lateral root emergence. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19(8):2262-2275.
7. Javeed, A. Fan, M. X. Shi, L. Zhang, C. Y., Ma, W. J., Chen, M. M., Liu, K. C., Cai, F.C., Hussain, K., Lin, F. 2018. Isolation and characterization of a pollen-specific gene ZmSTK2-USP from Zea Mays. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 15(4):639-650
8. He Wang, Mingxia Fan, Guohong Wang, Chunyu Zhang, Lei Shi, Zhengyi Wei, Wenjuan Ma, Jing Chang, Senxin Huang, and Feng Lin. 2017. Isolation and characterization of a novel pollen-specific promoter in maize (Zea mays L.) . Genome. 60 (6):485-495
9. Zhang CY, Wu SW, Hussain K, Fan MX, Liu C, Ma WJ, Chen MM, Lin F. 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure among 98 maize inbred lines investigated with SSR markers. Applied ecology and environmental research. 15(4):639-650.
10. Wei ZY, Zhang YY, Wang YP, Fan MX, Zhong XF, Xu N, Lin F*, and Xing SC. 2016. Production of Bioactive Recombinant Bovine Chymosin in Tobacco Plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 17(624): 1-9
11.Shazia Bashir, Mingxia Fan, Senxin Huang, Chunyu Zhang and Feng Lin. 2016. Proteomic analysis of serine/threonine kinase gene family in maize. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 15:352-356.
12.Li Changsheng, Irfan Muhammad, Zhang Chunyu and Lin Feng. 2014. Genetic diversity analysis of maize verities based on SSR markers. Research Journal of Biotechnology. 9(4): 15-18.
13.Wang DX, Wang H, Irfan M, Fan M, Lin F. 2014. Structure and evolution analysis of pollen receptor-like kinase in Zea mays and Arabidopsis thaliana. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 51:63-70.
14.Zhou T, Fan MX, Irfan M, Wang H, Wang DX, Wang L, Zhang CY, Lin F. 2014.Phylogenetic analysis of STK gene family and Usp domain in maize. Molecular Biology Reports, 41:8273–8284.
15.Muhammad I, Zhang T-T, Wang Y, Zhang C-Y, Miao Q, Zhang L-J, Lin F*. 2013. Modification of CTAB protocol for maize genomic DNA extraction. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 8(1): 41-45.
16.Wang Y, Yang SH, Muhammad I, Zhang CY, Sun Q, Wu SW, Lin F*. 2013. Genetic analysis of carbon metabolism-related traits in maize using mixed major and polygene models. Australian journal of crop science 7(8):1205-1211.
17.Hussain K, Qi J-F, Liu H, Sun Q, Chang J-H, Lin F*. 2013. Comparison of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. (Monech) Genome Sequances with Genome of Rice, Maize and Wheat. World Applied Sciences Journal. 25 (6): 914-920.
18.Jiang M., Zhang C-Y, Hussain K, Wu Suwen, Lin F*. 2012. Pyramiding Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Head Smut in Maize. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 14(3): 430-434.
19.Dou X-Y, Yan M, Xu Y-F, Hussain K, Liu Y-Z, Lin F*.2012. Seed purity identification of Hybrid maize F1 by Ultrathin-layer Isoelectric Focusing of Seed Protein. Turk J Agric For. 36:267-273.
20.Hussain K, Qi J-F, Liu H, Sun Q, Chang J-H, Lin F*. 2012. Extraction of differential expressing aphid-resistance genes of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. (Monech) and construction of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) library. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11 (1):217-230.
21.Zhao L, Feng J, Zhang C-Y, Xu X-D, Chen X-M, Sun Q, Miao Q, Xu S-C, Lin F*. 2012. The dissection and SSR mapping of high-temperature adult-plant stripe rust resistance gene(s) in American spring wheat cultivar Alturas. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 134(2):281-288.
22.Muhammad I, Zhang C-Y, Li C-S, Wang Y-B, Lin F* 2012. Characterization of endoglucanase produced from locally isolated Aspergillus niger using maize grain as a substrate. Archives Des Sciences, 65(12): 533-542.
23.Gao Y, Sun Q, Wang R, Feng J, Lin F* Cui N, Chen X-M, Xu S-C, Bai Y-L, Xu X-D (2011). Inheritance of stripe rust resistance to predominant Chinese races in six spring wheat cultivars from the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Cereal Research Communictions 39(1): 44~52.
24.Xu X-D, Feng J, Lin R-M, Khalid H, Xu S-C, Lin F* (2011). Postulation of stripe rust resistance genes in 44 Chinese wheat cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 13(5):1560–8530.
25.Qi J-F, Zhang X-C, Yin C-B, Li H-H, Lin F*. 2011. Optimization of Breeding Methods when Introducing Multiple Resistance Genes from American to Chinses Wheats. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(57): 12188-12194.
26.Bai Y-L, Zhang C-Y, Sun Q, Lin F*, Cui N, Xu S-C, Gao Y, Xu X-D. 2010. Molecular Screening and Resistance Evaluation of American Wheat Cultivars to Chinese Stripe Rust Races. Agricultural Sciences in China, 9(10): 101-105.
27.张春宇,秦红珍,林凤.2017. 美国玉米杂交种分离后代表型的多样性.江苏农业科学,45 (20) :76-79.
28.王国宏,石清琢,王延波,林凤。2014. 美国优异种质在玉米育种中的利用研究。玉米科学,22(6):1-5.
29.刘慧,邹枨,林凤. 假基因鉴定及其功能分析. 生物工程学报, 2013, 29(5): 551-567.
30.吕晓欢,冯晶,蔺瑞明,林凤*,徐世昌,2013. 30个小麦新品系抗条锈病基因分析及成株期抗病性评价,植物病理学报,43(3):000-000(2013)
31.齐金凤,孙权,常金华,Khalid Hussain,林凤*.2012. 高粱广谱抗蚜基因SSH文库的构建及其序列分析. 中国农学通报,28(09):48-54.
32.孙振,莫乔程,程备久,谢传晓,林凤*. 2012. 玉米雄穗分枝数性状遗传、杂种优势与亲子相关分析,作物杂志,2:31-35.
33.李长生,王国宏,姜敏,孙权,张春宇,林凤* 2012. 基于图像处理的玉米叶色分级及叶色与光合性状相关性研究,沈阳农业大学学报,43(4):411-417.
34.范明霞,姜敏,王国宏,王东旭,周婷,张春宇,林凤*. 2012. 植物中Ac/Ds转座子的研究与应用,沈阳农业大学学报,43(4):387-393.
35.徐晓丹,冯晶,蔺瑞明,赵蕾,林凤*,徐世昌. 2011. 河南小麦主栽品种亲缘系数分析. 麦类作物学报,31(4): 653-659.
36.白玉路,孙权,张春宇,崔娜,林凤*,徐世昌,章振羽,高阳,徐晓丹. 2010. 美国西北部59个小麦品种(系)抗条锈病基因分子检测及对中国条锈菌系抗性鉴定. 中国农业科学,43(6): 1147-1155.
37.白玉路,章振羽,徐世昌,林凤*. 2010. 小麦锈病抗性基因推导研究进展。植物保护,36(4): 36-40.